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I’ve been on the path of freedom and sovereignty for most of my life.

I’m a housing specialist with over 20 years experience in real estate brokerage, property management, real estate development, affordable housing development, and construction project management.

My dream is to help individuals in the sovereign community to secure housing that supports their freedom, prosperity and joy of living.

I also dream of developing schools for kids that would truly meet their natural developmental needs, free from the poison of human homogenization and collectivism.

I like to have fun. I’m an avid tennis player and pool player.

As a HD 5/1 splenic projector, I have acquired a lot of knowledge and insight on subjects related to sovereignty, the law, natural philosophy, psychology, and the history of civilization and culture.  My current investigations are focused on Human Design and Common Law.

I’m very grateful for the outstanding work of Mike, Eoin, and Matt   I look forward to bonding with my sovereign soul family at M&S.  Let’s have some fun!  😎


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